
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cookie dough and Wine...

That's how I ended my day. How did it start? Well, first of all it was Jeff's first full week back at work. It had some rocky moments... I didn't shower one day and Jeff came home and I had spit up all over me and all over the baby. He was handed the baby as soon as he walked in the door (sorry dear) and I showered (oh, it was also my birthday).

The next day I had to take my little man to work for a meeting, which made me nervous because elementary schools are far from germ free. We didn't get much sleep the night before, so (for the first time in 10 months) I went to Dunkin Donuts to get coffee (they have a drive through which makes life far less complicated these days). The sweet man thought I needed extra apparently (bags and dark circles - you don't say) and filled my cup to the rim. What do you think happened when I went to drink it? Yes, it spilled all over me and the car. It hit the flashers button and they wouldn't turn off. It was a mess. A man in a truck next to me was staring like I had three heads. Note to this man - I see no child in your back seat and you look like you had a good eight plus hours of sleep - don't judge when my flashers are going crazy. You probably should be warned ... maybe that Dunkin Donuts guy did him a favor.

The meeting at work went well and I got to see some of my amazing friends and colleagues. I do miss them and sometimes I miss work too... Like, when I got home. Our oh so adorable golden retriever decided going "number two" all over the basement and in Baby B's room was a grand idea (Note - she was mad when I left with the baby for the first time on Tuesday, so she ate three muffins, two brownies, and a bag full of trash - yay). Guess what? Baby B was hungry and my boobs were going to explode, so the "number two" clean-up duty was going to have to wait (yuck).

It was a long day.. a long week. There really isn't a set schedule yet and some nights are awesome, while others are a battle. It is cold out and it is flu season, so I feel limited on where we can go and what we can do.


I learned something last week (and I needed to - thank you Lord). . . This is short lived. When Baby B wasn't feeling well last night and wanted to snuggle, I didn't complain. I embraced him. In a few short months he won't be small enough to hold in my arms quite so snug. In a few short years he won't let me dress him and carry him around. So, there were a couple tiresome and what felt like unproductive days. I realized though, I am being productive. I am nurturing our sweet Baby B. He needs cuddles, activity mat time, songs and dances, books read, diapers changed, and spit up cleaned up. It isn't always glamorous, but he depends solely on me. He lets me do everything for him. I know there will come a day in which my Baby B will no longer need me for everything and will no longer cuddle in the middle of the night, so for now I am embracing it. Some days my house will look like something out of Good House Keeping magazine and others, like Horders. I'm okay with it now. God gave me this blessing and my focus is on nurturing him to become a well developed and Godly young man.

So, today ended in cookie dough for dinner and a small glass of wine and that's okay too.

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