So, I finally thought I would update my blog. Mostly because I accidentally took a three hour nap earlier and now I am wide awake! As most of you know I have been really sick the last few months and am recovering from Bronchitis AGAIN. Good thing is - the school year is almost over which means rest and getting well for good! YAY!
I had been looking to change schools for next year and something worked out perfectly. I happen to be at a science lead meeting at another elementary school in the county and was the only one who showed up. Now for those of you who are not aware of what these means: teacher's from other schools did not come to an important meeting in which you gather information on the science curriculum and bring it back to your entire school. Sad, I know. Anyway, I ended up meeting the principal who was hosting the meeting. She wanted to interview me. By the end of the week I had an interview and she offered me a job on the spot! The way it worked out was amazing because originally I was not looking to move closer to DC but rather further out towards, Leesburg or even Frederick with my family but I love this school! It is quite different than the Title One school where I am. It is in the center of a very affluent community. I am extremely excited about the change. I am sad about living TL though. I have so many great friends there and a terrific boss but I have a lot of exciting challenges and experiences to look forward to. Plus, the new school is not year-round so I will have the entire summer "off". So excited!
Since I did get this terrific new position, I decided to move closer to the new school. For the first time I will have a ten minute commute, which in DC is AMAZING! I am thrilled. I move in a few weeks and cannot wait for the change. Hopefully I will continue to meet interesting new people. Who knows where life will take me!
I am looking forward to spending the summer with friends and watch three of my best friends, Kristin and both Laurens, get married! Not to mention enjoying Cinnamon's new baby boy, and my other three lovies that are having babies this summer. So exciting for all of them! :) We are all so blessed!