I thought today would be a great day to write since it is cold outside and I am plopped on my couch waiting for Chloe to have kittens. It is freezing outside. We got our first little taste of snow. I hope that we get to use snow days this year! The perk of being a teacher :)
I just got back from Lynchburg and had a great time with LT and Lauren. Lauren and I finally met LT's soon-t0-be-hubby. He is adorable. You can tell that he absolutely adores LT. I am so incredibly happy for her. I also got to spend tons of time with Doc, Lauren's little boy. He is getting so big! Already fifteen pounds and he is just three months old! Being around Doc makes you have initial baby-fever (keyword: initial - not there yet ha!). I am still thinking about Lynchburg as a place to live but am not sure if or how that would work plus I met a really nice guy here. That always changes things a bit. :) I have to say sometimes this stage of life is frustrating with all the unknowns, however, it is also exciting and nice to know there are endless possibilities!
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