Thursday, April 5, 2012

Grad school . . . oh grad school

It is spring break and a great break it has been . . until today. I am stuck. I should be writing a paper and working on a discussion board. I could be working on my comps presentation, but it is SPRING BREAK. This is my last semester of grad school (praise God!!!!) and it is also the hardest. I'm not talking about the actual challenges of the classes (which come and go), but the express train speed I had been working has now slowed to about a horse and buggie today.

I started my coursework before I met Jeff, before we bought a house, before we got married, and before I took a new job (all of which has happened in the past year - slightly distracted? YES!). I started when I lived by myself, was teaching and needed to do something for myself, and I am glad I started when I did. Now, I am tired and ready to be done. 3 short weeks and it is all over. Short weeks. . . okay maybe they feel like years. Either way, I guess I should get back to work and finish with a bang. . .

Here's to busy women everywhere who just need a mani/pedi and a glass of wine (and maybe an hour of nothing to do). . .