Saturday, November 8, 2014

Toddler Food Round 1 (also known as mini things my husband will gobble up)...

I have been trying to expand my little man's menu lately. At ten months he is eating a lot of the same things we are, but not everything. I like to make a few things each week just for him, which are easy to pull out for any meal (and can easily be brought to playgroup, the park, and all the other places we venture during the week).

The above mini pumpkin spice muffins are a staple in our house (for all of us). Click here for the recipe.

First up this week: Rice and Bean cakes

I found the recipe here, but tweaked it (see below).

Makes 18 - 24 mini cupcake size servings (I use a small cookie dough spoon to fill each cup)
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • 1 cup frozen corn kernels
  • 1 cup pinto or black beans
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese (or any other cheese - I like parm too)
  • 1 egg
  • ½ tsp ground cumin
  • ½ tsp salt
Prep and Cook
  1. Preheat the oven to 400˚F and liberally grease a standard muffin tin.
  2. In a medium mixing bowl combine the rice, corn, beans, cheese and green onions. In a smaller bowl, whisk together the eggs, chili powder, cumin and salt.
  3. Add the egg mixture to the rice and stir well. 
  4. Divide evenly between muffin tin and sprinkle with additional cheese (holds it together a little more)
  5. Bake for 12–15 minutes or until the cheese is slightly golden.
  6. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing from muffin tin.
Here are mine...

They went missing quickly, as my husband thought they were yummy too. Now our whole family enjoys them! 

Next on the list were Banana-Pumpkin "Pancakes"


  • 1 very ripe banana, mashed
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2  teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons pureed pumpkin
  1. Mash banana in a medium bowl and then mix in pumpkin.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg
  3. Add eggs to banana and whisk together until thoroughly combined. Whisk in salt and cinnamon.
  4. Preheat a griddle or large skillet over medium heat. Spray griddle with cooking spray and use a tablespoon to drop batter onto griddle. Let set for a few minutes, and then flip with spatula. Cook for an additional minute or two on remaining side and remove to plate.
Makes about 8 - 10 baby pancakes (I use a small cookie scoop for each pancake). The whole family likes to eat these! You can easily triple the recipe and make regular sized pancakes.

Since, I was still cooped up with a sick baby... I kept cooking!

Mini Spinach and Feta muffins

This recipe is from another great mom, the only thing I changed was the type of feta (I use Mediterranean - it just gives them a little more flavor).  You can find the recipe here.

 The whole family loves these too! They are great for breakfast/brunch!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sensory Activities .. Round 2

There are hundreds and thousands of pins showing great sensory activities. I tried sensory bags as tummy time when my LO was younger, but he wasn't totally on board. 

Well, I figured why not try again? First we tried the water bottled with glitter (maybe glitter overload - whoops mommy) and shape buttons. He is mildly interested at first. Later, he found it in the ground and decided it was a good chew you and slightly intriguing. 

Next up: ribbon box, so he could chew and pull in various ribbons. This one was a little more fascinating and has a longer play life. I will definitely keep bringing it out, as he can figure out a few new skills with this one. 

It was easy to make, as I had plenty of ribbon around and a shoe box. I just tied the ribbons at different lengths, so they couldn't come through the box completely. I also used various textures. 

Last up for this week: sensory bag (again), except I used water instead of hair gel. It makes a much better noise and would be easier to clean up if he broke into it. He is enjoying it much more now! 

I will definitely keep trying sensory activities. I feel they will become more interesting as he gets older and will come in handy during cold winter months! Plus, I normally have everything in the house already (like this time).

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sewing Adventures: Door Jammer & Elephant

I bought a sewing machine over the summer with the high hopes of creating a Halloween costume for B! I am not there yet, but I have made two projects now.

The door jammer... Allows a door to close softly and not wake the baby. Such a lifesaver! 

It is just two rectangles of fabric (about the size of a 3 x 5 index card), some batting, and pretty ribbon to tie the handles. 

Then I made a cute stuffed elephant for my friend's new baby girl (who has an elephant themed room). The template can be found here:

She turned out to be super cute! 

You can add rice to the feet to make it stand or fill the entire elephant with rice to make it a cool/hot boo boo healer (or door stop). 

Next project: Dinosaur for Beckett! And then his Halloween costume! 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

8 Sweet Months

How is this sweet boy already 8 months old? I know I say this every month, but TIME IS FLYING.

What happened during his eighth month?

 We grew more interested in music and all things loud! We go to babygarten at the local library pretty much every week. They read stories, sing songs, and have play time. It is great (and free)!
 We also became much more interested in books!

 We "read" them, touch and feel them, and chew on them of course!

We still have our weekly play group! The babies are getting so big! They are learning to play together and noticeably pick up each other's habits. It is so fun to watch them learn and grow. Having a wonderful group of lifelong mommy friends definitely helps this SAHM.

 We aren't sure about the swing yet... maybe next month..

 We love playing with our dog! We share our toys with her and our food (even though we shouldn't).
 Exploring is now a playtime must, especially if it involves taking things off the coffee table! Mommy has her hands full (daddy too).
 I like to try to feed myself. I am also eating finger foods now, such as:
  • Pineapple
  • Pears
  • Chicken Nugget Pieces
  • Potatoes
  • Noodles
  • Beans
  • Cheese
  • and so much more!

Bath time is now:
  • Splash Time
  • Stand Up Time
  • Climb Over Toys Time
  • Chew On Everything Time
  • Giggle Time

I am ....

  • Crawling super fast
  • Pulling myself up on everything
  • Walking when someone holds my hands
  • Screaming and yelling when I am frustrated or no one is paying attention (oh this is a fun one)
  • Tearing up grass, paper, and anything else I can think of
  • Climbing over everything
  • Giggling all the time
  • So happy and sweet
  • Loving towards my dogs
  • Giving kisses and cuddles like crazy

Monday, August 18, 2014

Just Survive


I've had a few friends who recently gave birth and it has brought back a lot of memories from when my LO was born (which was only 7 months ago, but I have already "forgotten" what having a newborn was like).

As most new (and first time) new moms do, they can me questions.

"When was B on a schedule?"

"When did B sleep through the night?"

"Did you supplement with formula?"

"Did you wait to offer a pacifier/bottle?"

"When did they sleep in their own room?"

The list goes on. Oh, how I remember the anxiety. Many doctors, nurses, family members, message boards, and friends will impose their thoughts and methods on new moms. It is OVERWHELMING. It is EXHAUSTING. It is DISHEARTENING.

So, this is my advice to new moms.

SURVIVE. That's it. Sounds ridiculous? Let me explain.

If your baby sleeps in the Rock N' Play, Pack N' Play, swing, car, stroller, bouncer, your bed, on the dog, you know wherever.. LET THEM SLEEP. Yes, you eventually want your baby to eventually sleep in their crib, but guess what? They don't even begin to recognize their surroundings until 4 - 6 months (really 6 months for the most), so take a breath and let the kid sleep. It WILL be okay.

Schedule? I am hearing a lot of "well, so and so says this can make the baby sleep through the night." Newsflash - newborns were not meant to sleep through the night. If someone has this miracle child they are either lying OR they are going to have a horrible teenager (payback you know). Babies have tiny tummies and are meant to eat every few hours (4-5 hours is sleeping through the night at newborn stage and is lucky my friend). You will not have a specific bedtime for a while. You will notice patterns if you track feeding/sleeping/diapers, but the patterns and "schedule" will change as they go through several growth spurts the first few months. You will get there. If you are breastfeeding, on demand is best for your supply. Eventually, you WILL find a great bedtime, but the recommended age for sleep training isn't until 6 months because that is when babies are more capable of sleeping through the night (if you get there before 6 months - go you). 

If you are breastfeeding, woo hoo, that's great. If they won't latch or your boobs are so sore you feel like getting rid of them all together, then pump. Take a break. Use a nipple shield and/or bottle. Yes, many worry about nipple confusion, but that is NOT always the case (mine breastfed and bottle fed past the 6 month mark and we introduced the bottle and nipple shield early). The MOST important thing at the end of the day: is your baby getting enough food? That is all that matters.

Pacifiers are better than thumbs. That's all I'm saying. As long as your baby is eating enough, give them the darn pacifier. Some kids just need to suck. Period. It also reduces the risk of SIDs (find out more here:Reduce risk of SIDs. Better to eventually wean from a pacifier, which you can get rid of, unlike a thumb, or to have your nipples raw from continuous sucking. Again, you can still breastfeed when you use a pacifier.

It's okay if the house is a mess. If someone is judging your house they are either childless or clueless, either way, it isn't your problem.Your number one priority is to heal and bond. End of story.

It's okay if you don't want visitors or if the only visitor you want is your mom. People WILL get over it. The baby will be there and they can come when YOU are ready. Before B was born we actually sent an email saying we would be having family time the first two weeks, so visitors could call and schedule a visit at home after those two weeks were up. It really gave me time to rest and heal and for my husband and I to bond with our baby.

It's okay to ask for help. You will eventually shower most days of the week. You will eventually clean the kitchen and cook dinner. You will eventually run to Target. Until then, let friends/family help. They want to visit, okay bring a meal or run to Target first.

The first two months are all about survival. Do what is best for your baby and your family. If that means your baby is in your room for 4 months (like mine was because my husband was gone for 1/2 that time), then do it (by the way - B sleeps in his crib for 12 hours a night with no problem). If you pump and give a bottle, that's okay. If you supplement, go you! SURVIVE. Enjoy your baby. Once you stop listening to all the chatter and focus on your new little one, your mommy intuition will kick-in.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Gift "Basket" Fun

Recently, I celebrated my wonderful brother-in-law's 30th birthday, my "little" cousin going off to college, and my mother-in-law going back to work for the semester (she is a professor). I decided to make a few fun gift baskets to celebrate.

 Lollipops for "30 Sucks"

Hershey Kisses for "Kiss Your 20's Good-bye"

Pop Rocks for "30 Rocks"

Bubble gum for "30 Blows"

It was so much fun to make and it is candy we grew up on (bonus)!

Just a few things to help my mother-in-law get the semester started! :)

 Last basket I made this week: College Survival Kit.

You can go so many directions with this one. You can see the list below!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

7 Sweet Months

Here is he! So big! About 28 inches long and around 18 lbs, this is one growing boy! 
He can barely sit still! He is crawling absolutely everywhere and loves to climb over anything in his path (including his parents and dog). He is super curious and everything (absolutely every tiny thing) goes in his mouth. No teeth yet, but he certainly is working on it! :)

Not only is he crawling, but he is using the coffee table (and other large objects - Bella included) to pull himself up! This kid wants to be on his feet! 

Just climbing dad...

Not sure about sunglasses :) 

He loved the beach! It was his first trip and I was worried he wouldn't like the sand. Well, I didn't have to worry! He loved it! He slept on the beach fairly well, but had a rought first night in the pack n' play. After that, he was good to go! We can't wait to go back in September. 

He loves playing with his doggie (Bella is now accustomed to being climbed on) and to play all day! 

He can hold his own food and put food in his mouth. He is also using a training sippy cup pretty well and likes to takes sips of water from mom and dad's cups.

 Bella has learned to stand by the high chair to catch food. Beckett sometimes puts food on his hand and then sticks it down, so Bella can eat too (oh how fast they learn). I'm pretty sure this is why Bella likes him a little more. ;) 

His new favorite foods are mango, pumpkin, and chicken! 

This month was not for sleeping apparently. *sigh* Hoping this changed ASAP! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A New Journey

This week I finally packed up my classroom (with the help of my loving husband and great mother's helper - Hailey). 

This is how I've struggled with the decision for the past few weeks (maybe months..)

"I want to stay home and will do anything to stay home." - This was the first two months and the sixth month.

"I want to work because I am going crazy at home." - This was at 2 months and 3 months.

"I want to stay at home because I am missing out and I don't like other people telling me what MY baby is doing." - These thoughts came after running summer camp (it was a great "test" and I was fortunate I have my mother-in-love and hubby watching B).

"I want to do both. Can't I just wear the baby all day and have a pack an' play in my classroom? Why don't we have part-time or job sharing in my county?" - These thoughts continue to float through my mind. I have voiced them to my principal about a million times now. He's a patient man.

After a LOT of deliberation, my husband and I decided (together) that I would take a year "off." In other words, I'm not going to be in the classroom full time for the 2014-2015 school year, but I did not resign from the county. I am also tutoring, among other things, for some cash flow.

Naturally, the next step was to pack up my 8 years of teaching supplies, books, and decorations. I, however, was putting it off. I was nervous (still am). Why?

- I LOVE my job. Teaching has been my life for eight full years and 3 intercession years. It's all I know. 

- I work at a fantastic school! I love the staff and environment at CCE. It definitely became my home and those of you who are teachers know it's hard to find a school you love.

- I am not going to have a consistent paycheck. Let's face it. This is downright scary! Hence, my new adventure, which I will get to later. 

- I am going to miss actually checking things off my to do list, having the option of a quiet lunch, talking with adults during the day, professional development, the look on my students' faces when they make progress, and morning coffee in the hall. 

On the flip side, I'm looking forward to:

- Teaching Beckett new things every day

- Growing new relationships with sweet "mommy friends."

- Getting back to things I used to enjoy like cooking, baking, and crafting.

- Starting a new adventure as a tutor and teacher resource creator (I've always done both, but now I get to grow them into, what I hope, will be a part-time job). I also needed to do something other than the "mom thing" for my mental well being and for the sake of our bank account. 

To become a stay-at-home-mom or working mom is not an easy decision. I know for some it isn't a decision at all, so I feel fortunate that we are able to try this stay-at-home-mom thing for a year. I am not sure what God has in store for our family after this year, but I am excited to find out. 

So, after a few meltdowns, many packed boxes, and countless discussions with my husband, I am jumping into this new adventure with two feet. Eek! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

It must be true.....

A couple months ago I saw a commercial mocking the internet and how everything "published" on the internet is true. It was funny and I think most people said to themselves, "Ha, this is funny because many things aren't true."

Haven't seen the commerical? Here it is!

Unfortunately, I feel as though many intelligent individuals are falling into the "internet is always true" mentality lately. Mostly because of Facebook. I'm not ragging on Facebook. I'm an avid user and post one too many pictures of my little boy (such a cutie pie - at least I think so - sorry for blowing up your news feed). I do have one pet peeve though: articles that float and are not true. Let's take a couple recent examples...

No Ice For Dogs...

First of all, it was posted in 2010 and someone just decided to start recycling it on Facebook. I had about ten friends who posted it. I got worried, but before posting it I did research... Guess what? It's not true. Not even close.

Have you seen this recently?
So many of us were super excited, yet another let down! No FRIENDS reunion I'm afraid.. Pretty harmless prank, but I was totally bummed when I researched and found out the truth.

There are a bunch of other examples out there about HPV vaccine, raising money for people who aren't sick (Facebook isn't matching anything friends), and even Amber Alerts that aren't real (sad - I know).

Why am I posting about this? I'm not at all faulting my Facebook friends for wanting to trust their friends who have posted these things. I get it. You probably assume your friend wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't true and maybe they did their homework. Logical. Again, I GET IT.

 The problem is we are no longer researching things for ourselves. This scares me. Not because I think everyone will stop giving dogs ice cubes (although my dog would be pretty sad), but because it means we aren't teaching our kids to research. If we, you know adults/teachers/parents/etc, aren't doing our homework, then our kids aren't either.

My thoughts aren't just about the posts on Facebook, it is about our culture. Our willingness to believe almost anything, no matter the media outlet. I am worried we are forgetting to think critically and to question things we hear and see. So, all I'm asking is that we at least do a little research before we jump to conclusions and I am not at all faulting any of my friends who posted any of the stories floating lately... just a reminder to check it out first.