Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Academic Choice

What is academic choice and why am I a huge proponent? Let's explore!

We need to assist students in becoming decision makers. In this day and age, we are constantly faced with decisions big and small. From what to eat for breakfast to which major to choose in college. Students need to make decisions that will benefit their education and their life long term. Students also need to take ownership of their work.
Academic Choice is a great way for students to develop these lifelong skills. Currently, students in my language arts class are choosing their word study activities based on their particular learning styles. They are also choosing to complete projects based on Think Dot sheets. They even choose their reading activities (for silent reading and independent reading). Students are gaining independence and are learning to choose methods which meet their learning needs.
To learn more about academic choice click on the links below.

Read an education article on the success and benefits of academic choice:   

Here is a current Think Dot sheet I am using in my classroom as an enrichment activity:

Click here to download!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Word Study and Multiple Intelligences

In 5th grade students begin to learn about their own learning styles. It is important for students to know how they best receive and process information because they will soon enter middle school and need that toolbox. One great way to do this is through Word Study. 

Instead of assigning the same five assignments each week, let your students choose each assignment (see more on academic choice later this week) based on their multiple intelligence. 

To do this, students will need to complete a multiple intelligence inventory. Here is a great one to use with 5th grade:

Here is how the multiple intelligences break down!

Now, let's tie it all together in Word Study. Below is a list of activities which I offer to my fifth grades (I also allow them to suggest activities throughout the year, they have some amazing ideas)! 

You can download the PDF version of the above document here!