Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sewing Adventures: Door Jammer & Elephant

I bought a sewing machine over the summer with the high hopes of creating a Halloween costume for B! I am not there yet, but I have made two projects now.

The door jammer... Allows a door to close softly and not wake the baby. Such a lifesaver! 

It is just two rectangles of fabric (about the size of a 3 x 5 index card), some batting, and pretty ribbon to tie the handles. 

Then I made a cute stuffed elephant for my friend's new baby girl (who has an elephant themed room). The template can be found here: http://birchfabrics.blogspot.com/2013/07/free-pattern-tutorial-henry-helga.html?m=1

She turned out to be super cute! 

You can add rice to the feet to make it stand or fill the entire elephant with rice to make it a cool/hot boo boo healer (or door stop). 

Next project: Dinosaur for Beckett! And then his Halloween costume! 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

8 Sweet Months

How is this sweet boy already 8 months old? I know I say this every month, but TIME IS FLYING.

What happened during his eighth month?

 We grew more interested in music and all things loud! We go to babygarten at the local library pretty much every week. They read stories, sing songs, and have play time. It is great (and free)!
 We also became much more interested in books!

 We "read" them, touch and feel them, and chew on them of course!

We still have our weekly play group! The babies are getting so big! They are learning to play together and noticeably pick up each other's habits. It is so fun to watch them learn and grow. Having a wonderful group of lifelong mommy friends definitely helps this SAHM.

 We aren't sure about the swing yet... maybe next month..

 We love playing with our dog! We share our toys with her and our food (even though we shouldn't).
 Exploring is now a playtime must, especially if it involves taking things off the coffee table! Mommy has her hands full (daddy too).
 I like to try to feed myself. I am also eating finger foods now, such as:
  • Pineapple
  • Pears
  • Chicken Nugget Pieces
  • Potatoes
  • Noodles
  • Beans
  • Cheese
  • and so much more!

Bath time is now:
  • Splash Time
  • Stand Up Time
  • Climb Over Toys Time
  • Chew On Everything Time
  • Giggle Time

I am ....

  • Crawling super fast
  • Pulling myself up on everything
  • Walking when someone holds my hands
  • Screaming and yelling when I am frustrated or no one is paying attention (oh this is a fun one)
  • Tearing up grass, paper, and anything else I can think of
  • Climbing over everything
  • Giggling all the time
  • So happy and sweet
  • Loving towards my dogs
  • Giving kisses and cuddles like crazy