Friday, July 3, 2015

Painting on wood ...

I really wanted to make a wooden plaque for the nautical nursery and one for the new woodland big boy room.

I bought stencils for the first one and taped them down. I painted directly in the stencils using acrylic paint and it did spread some. Luckily, I was going to sand the letters to look worn, so it turned out okay (not exactly how I envisioned, but good enough). I then hit glued a starfish. It was pretty simple overall! 

I found an unfinished arrow at the craft store and stained it (well my hubby did because I am preggo). This time I used the stencils, but I traced the letters using pen. Then painted using smaller brushes and acrylic paint. I only did one to two coats of paint. Once dry, I lightly sanded the paint. I feel the letters turned out better this time because I did not paint directly in the stencil. I did bro use a foam brush either, just small square brushes. 

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