Thursday, November 1, 2012


One of my favorite teacher tools is Quia Web!

You can either use the quizzes, interactive games, and surveys for free with your class OR you can buy an account as a teacher for $50 a year. I chose the second option. Why?

  1. I wanted to track views and grade quizzes in Quia.
  2. You can leave students feedback 
  3. Students can retake quizzes.
  4. You can set time limits on quizzes
  5. You can put activities, surveys, and quizzes up for specific windows of time.
  6. It is a great tool for review. You can play concentration, jeopardy, rags to riches, flashcards, word searches, matching games, and more!

I say, take a peak! Here is the link to my page. I only use it for language arts right now, but you can use it for all content areas! :)

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