Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Our Dairy Free Life: Getting Started

Just over a week ago we went dairy free. Okay, I went dairy free because my sweet peanut was experience severe reflux symptoms (even with medication). He is now much happier, which may be due to the lack of dairy I have been consuming.

Going dairy free was intimidating, to say the least. It is in EVERYTHING and is hidden under several aliases. You can find the complete list and more details here:

So, I started reading labels and had a meltdown. Dressings, breads, all kinds of sweet treats... All contained dairy. I wondered if I could do it. Why not just go to specialized formula, but that is not what I really wanted. I realized I needed to continue my research, so using and Pinterest, I began my dairy free adventure. I also found an amazing dairy free breast feeding group on Facebook. The information and support immediately made my attitude change (search: Dairy Free Diet - breastfeeding and you will find it). 

Here are a couple other links I found helpful while traveling down this new road.

Just know it can be done! I will confess... I miss my Reese Pumpkins, but I am losing weight! 

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